Number of ions by charge state
Total ion current by charge state
MS1 Intensity for all z>1 ions
MS1 Intensity for all z=1 ions
M/z distribution for all z=1 ions
MS1 Intensity for MS/MS-ed ions
MS1 Intensity | All Peps
MS1 Intensity | Shared Peps
Identifications along the RT
Retention length for IDed ions
Retention length (FWHM)
Apex Offset
MS2 scans per ion
MS2 Injection times | no PSMs
MS2 Injection times | PSMs
MS2 accumulation rate | All Peps
MS2 accumulation rate | Shared Peps
RI / Precursor ratio
Identification rate
Fractional identification rate
Fractional identification / Intensity
Confidence of identification
Parental ion fraction
Missed Cleavages
Missed Cleavages at K